Ceramic Chinese Painting Water Bowl

The Ceramic Chinese Painting Water Bowl is a unique gift for anyone who loves to relax. It's made of ceramic, so it's non-toxic and safe. The bowl has a smooth surface and edge, which makes it comfortable to hold. The bowl is cozy to hold and can be used again.
Size :
- Small: 6cm*3.1cm
- Medium: 6.2cm*3.1cm
- Large: 10.5cm*4.5cm
More About The Product:
Easy Maintenance: The bowl is constructed of premium material that is safe, non-toxic, has a smooth surface and edge, is cozy to hold, is simple to clean, and can be used again. Before using, please remove the protective paper from both sides to obtain a transparent palette.
Ultimate Play And Learning: Painter palettes are frequently used in oil painting, gouache, acrylic painting, mixed watercolor, and other creative creations. They are appropriate for parties, costume parties, home décor, handicrafts, art classes, and other artistic endeavors. Kids, those who enjoy painting, craftsmen, and professional artists should all choose it.
For Everybody: Everyone, including adults and children, may use palettes of various sizes and shapes to express their boundless creative creativity. You will have a lovely family time.